Technology Integration Professional Development Action Plan
When putting together a professional development plan, I used two primary sources to decide the greatest need on my campus. Our STaR Chart data from the 2009-2010 school year indicated that my campus had a great need in the area of Educator Preparation and Development. I want to address this area in my professional development plan. The other source I consulted was our Campus Improvement Plan. I was alarmed to realize that there was not very much detail as to how to use technology to improve learning and instruction. On the other hand, the district plan was very detailed. I would like to address this issue through my professional development plan for 2011-2012 school year. I have included a sample of four specific professional development sessions, though I know there are many more that we will create over the course of the summer.
Goal: To provide professional development to address areas of need identified by campus data and to define Campus Improvement Goals relating to Technology while ensuring goals align with the District Improvement Plan.
Action Steps | Person(s) Responsible | Timeline | Needed | Evaluation |
Form a Campus Technology Committee and plan a meeting schedule | Administrators, Staff Members | March 2011 | Time | A committee made of school stakeholders is formed and a vision is established. |
Create a campus-centered survey for teachers to assess technology proficiency | Technology Committee (members are Rachelle LeBlanc, Katie Turek, and Kimberly Kirkley) | April 2011 | Time Computer Survey Monkey website | A survey is created and easily accessible online for teachers to take. |
Review STaR Chart data, AEIS data, teacher survey, LoTI survey, Campus Improvement Plan, District Improvement Plan to identify campus needs | Technology Committee, Technology Facilitator, Administrators | April 2011 | Time Access to campus data Access to district data | Data is examined and areas of need are identified for the campus. Needs are organized in order from greatest concern to least concern. Professional development session ideas are named. |
Technology-oriented professional development sessions for both the campus and district for the 2011-2012 school year are scheduled and posted for staff | Administrators, Technology Committee, Technology Facilitator, | May 2011 | Time Computers Campus needs assessment | A professional development schedule for the 2011-2012 school year is given to each teacher with over 30 hours available. Teachers are able to plan which courses they wish to take and/or research information on course subject matter for required sessions. |
Scheduled professional development sessions for the campus are planned with student-centered learning as the focus | Assistant Principal, Technology Committee, Technology Facilitator | July 2011 | Time Computers Internet access Technology resources such as websites, applications, hardware, and software | Professional development sessions are created and are learner-centered. Sessions reflect using technology to support and enhance curriculum and instruction. |
Campus Professional Development Session: New Teacher Technology Training session | Kimberly Kirkley | August 2011 (before start of school year) | Time Computer Lab Internet access | New to Riddle teachers are familiarized with the technology available to them on the campus in regards to software, hardware, and websites. Teachers are taught how to use the Eduphoria and eSchool systems that the district uses on a daily basis. |
Campus Professional Development Session: Using data to drive instruction | Assistant Principal | August 2011 (before start of school year) | Time Computer Lab Internet access | Teachers will learn how to use Aware data, AEIS data, and data from surveys. Teachers will gather and analyze data and learn how to use data to make decisions concerning instruction. |
Campus Professional Development Session: Using Blogs and Wikis to enhance learning and instruction inside AND outside of the classroom | Katie Turek | August 2011 (before start of school year) | Time Computer Lab or classroom with laptops for each participant Internet access | Teachers are able to set up their own blogs and/or wikis to use in their classrooms for the upcoming school year. Teachers leave with an understanding of how to use these resources to support learning and instruction even when not in the classroom. |
Campus Professional Development Session: Survey Says! Using survey tools in the classroom | Rachelle LeBlanc | August 2011 (before start of school year) | Time Computer Lab or classroom with laptops for each participant Internet access | Teachers are able to set up an account on a survey site such as Survey Monkey and are able to design a 'Getting to Know You' survey for students to take during the first week of school. Teachers leave session with ideas for using surveys for assessment, voting, parent communication, and more. Teachers leave session with ideas for students to use surveys in the classroom. |
Campus Professional Development Session: Modern Presentations: Going beyond PowerPoint, Excel and Word | Technology Facilitator | August 2011 (before start of school year) | Time Digital Camera, Camcorder, or Smart Phone with either capability Computer Lab or classroom with laptops for each participant Internet access | Teachers learn how to use different technology tools to create presentations that move beyond slideshows or charts and graphs. Teachers will create a commercial, magazine ad, or radio commercial to communicate why technology should be used in the classroom. |
Additional Campus Professional Development sessions based on needs analysis | Technology Committee, Technology Facilitator, Technology Specialist, Assistant Principal, Librarian | Ongoing through June 2012 | Time Computers Internet access Technology resources such as websites, applications, hardware, and software | Teachers will attend both required and optional technology-related professional development sessions. Teachers will understand learning can happen anywhere and anytime with technology and can customize online lessons to teach units or courses. Teachers will use their knowledge to demonstrate SBEC Technology Application Standards during instruction. |
Give campus-centered survey for teachers to assess technology proficiency (same survey from beginning of year) | Technology Committee | April 2012 | Time Computer Survey Monkey website | Data will be collected and compared to data from the beginning of the year. Professional development will be considered successful if data shows growth in technology proficiency among staff members over the school year. |
Reflect over year and meet to discuss next year's plan | Technology Committee Administrators Technology Facilitator | May 2012 | Time | The new campus improvement plan will be compared to the current district improvement plan to check alignment. Professional development ideas will be gathered based on assessed needs from plans. |
Evaluation for Technology Integration
Because I used information from both the campus STaR Chart and the Campus Improvement Plan, I will consult both to evaluate effectiveness of the action plan. I will not be able to fully evaluate the plan until the 2011-2012 STaR Chart is available, but I will be able to use the 2010-2011 STaR Chart to see if the trends from the previous year continue. In addition, the 2010-2011 STaR Chart data can be used to shape the Campus Improvement Plan for the 2011-2012 school year. The 2010-2011 Campus Improvement Plan will again be compared to the District Improvement Plan to see if the technology goals are in alignment. The 2010-2011 Campus Improvement Plan will also be examined to ensure that technology goals are included, and that a plan to integrate technology aligns with the Texas Long-Range Plan for Technology 2006-2020.
In addition to using these two sources of data, the school will use other surveys to evaluate the technology plan. After each professional development session, a survey will be emailed to the participants. There is already a plan similar to this for the district technology sessions. The district surveys must be taken for credit to given for a course, but each survey is identical and does not always fit the content. The campus surveys will be tailored to each professional development course so that the sessions can be evaluated individually. The technology facilitator and technology committee will see to it that the LoTi Digital Age Survey is taken by teachers each year to measure growth and assess needs. The technology committee will give a short technology proficiency survey at the beginning and end of each year to measure growth.
Additional data will come from walkthroughs, professional development sessions, and CBA data. The principal and assistant principal will be able to evaluate whether or not they have witnessed an increase in technology integrated into curriculum and instruction during evaluations. Professional development sessions will enable the technology facilitator and technology committee to showcase technology projects from teachers throughout the campus. CBA data will be used and compared to lesson plans to determine whether data is being used to drive instruction. All of these methods will continue to be monitored throughout the school year.
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