Sunday, March 20, 2011

Technology Integration Organizational Chart

Technology Integration Organizational Chart for Frisco I.S.D.

Responsibilities relating to Technology:

School Board: The school board is the district's policy-making body. During board meetings, district policies concerning technology can be changed or updated, and budgets can be allocated for technology resources. The school board communicates their decisions to the superintendent.

Superintendent: The superintendent represents the district in many ways. The position must look in the best interest of the students, campuses, and multiple stakeholders to ensure that student achievement is always improving while the district makes the necessary changes to keep up with the advances made in the field of technology. The superintendent is instrumental in creating a vision for the district regarding technology and how it will be used to enhance student learning. The superintendent also oversees the creation of the district improvement plan.

Deputy Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction:
This role supports the superintendant by implementing policies and directives from the school board and by supporting and monitoring the progress made toward the district technology vision. This is achieved by ensuring that the Technology TEKS are integrated into the district curriculum through the scope and sequence, resources and instructional materials, and professional development.

Executive Director of Technology:
The executive director of technology creates the technology goals for the district improvement plan. This is accomplished by reflecting on the technology vision of the school board and the superintendent and establishing the necessary steps it will take to attain that vision. The executive director of technology also studies, evaluates, and as appropriate, recommends the adoption of new technology instruction materials, methods and programs and the purchase of computer hardware, software and other instructional technology tools for the district.

Director of Elementary Instruction: The Director of Elementary Instruction is responsible for making sure that elementary school principals have the resources needed to support student achievement. This position ensures that the district curriculum is being implemented in every campus and assesses the curriculum on a regular basis to ensure that appropriate changes are being made when necessary. In addition, the Director of Elementary Instruction reviews campus assessment data for evidence of TEKS mastery.

Coordinator of Elementary Instructional Technology:
The Coordinator of Elementary Instructional Technology ensures that the Technology TEKS are being integrated into curriculum and instruction on all of the elementary campuses in the district. In our district, this position is responsible for the creation of a newsletter that highlights technology projects around the district and gives ideas for technology integration in the classroom. This newsletter is available to all district stakeholders. The Coordinator of Elementary Instructional Technology provides support to campus Technology Facilitators and provides them with resources.

Director of Technology Operation:
This role helps to coordinate and set up all of the technology in the district, as well as maintaining the network and servers. The Director of Technology Operation provides support for the campus Technology Specialists when needed.

The principal ensures that all teachers are integrating technology into curriculum and instruction, and that the Technology TEKS are being taught on their campus. Any decisions concerning technology made in the district are communicated to the campus by the principal. The principal must ensure that the necessary steps to achieve the district improvement plan goals being made, and also that the campus improvement plan aligns to the goals of the district where technology is concerned. The principal works with the assistant principal, the technology facilitator, the technology specialist, and the teachers to ensure that budget funds are being used for technology to support and enhance learning on the campus.

Assistant Principal:
The assistant principal assists the principal in ensuring technology is integrated into instruction. She also works with the technology facilitator to coordinate professional development for technology, using the STaR chart, AEIS data, and teacher surveys to help decide what needs the staff needs to meet. The assistant principal works with the principal to evaluate whether or not teachers are using technology in the classroom to meet the needs of the students.

Technology Facilitator:
The technology facilitator provides technology-related resources and professional development over technology to teachers. This role is also responsible for working with teachers to plan and integrate technology into curriculum and instruction. The technology facilitator checks out iPods, cameras, and other technology to staff members as needed.

Technology Specialist:
The technology specialist ensures all technology is working correctly. When a teacher has an operational problem, a help ticket is created to alert the technology specialist. In addition, the specialist role is responsible for setting up computer labs, technology-related projects such as video conferences, and ensuring that all systems are updated in a routine manner.

Teacher: Teachers are responsible for integrating technology into curriculum and instruction on a daily basis, and also ensuring their students master the Technology TEKS. The campus administration, technology facilitator, and technology specialist provide resources for teachers to achieve this. Teachers are also responsible for attending professional development sessions that will help them stay updated on technology and how to integrate it into curriculum and instruction.

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